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Northern Senators Fume As Lawmakers Move To Restrict Cattle Herders


June 06 2024 | Radio Biafra

Amidst a rancorous session, the Senate, yesterday, passed a bill to establish the National Animal Husbandry and Ranches Commission for second reading.

Despite heated debates, the senators voted in favour of the bill sponsored by Titus Tartenger Zam (Benue North West) meant to control and regulate cattle rearing ranching business across the country.

Zam argued that ranching remained the only viable alternative for cattle breeding in Nigeria and also advocated an urgent need to transition from traditional livestock keeping methods to the modern methods which are safer and healthier to both the herds and the herders.

The bill, however, met vehement opposition from Northern lawmakers, especially Danjuma Goje (APC, Gombe Central); Adamu Aliero (PDP, Kebbi Central); and Kawu Sumaila (NNPP, Kano South), who faulted the part which specified that ranches be established in the ‘pastoralists state of origin’ without forcing it upon other states or communities that do not have pastoralists as citizens.

Aliero argued that the pastoral part of the bill is in rebellion with section 41 of the Nigerian constitution, which states that “every citizen of Nigeria is entitled to move freely throughout Nigeria and to reside in any part thereof, and no citizen of Nigeria shall be expelled from Nigeria or refused entry thereby or exit therefrom.”

Kawu described the bill as contradictory to the Nigerian constitution, saying it was wrong to restrict citizens of the country to a particular region.

Kawu specifically said they would fight the bill’ a statement he withdrew and apologised after he was called to order by the Senate President, Godswill Akpabio.

Kawu said: “I am totally against this bill. You can’t make a law for a particular section of this country. Let the leadership come with something comprehensive, but going by this bill, it will compound the crisis.”

Disagreeing further, Goje warned that the bill might stereotype the Fulani in the country.

“I want to urge our colleagues to approach this issue of ranching with good faith and an open mind. These Fulani are Nigerians, they don’t enjoy anything from the government, they shouldn’t be thrown away just like that.

“We should encourage them; not confine them to a particular area, it is not good. If you go to Oyo, Ogun states, we have Fulani and they speak Yoruba.”

Despite the opposition, the bill received the support of other Senators who made their contributions.

Enyinnaya Abaribe (APGA, Abia South) supported the second passage of the bill but cautioned that there would be a need to review the Land Use Act, pointing out that some state governors may disagree with the creation of ranches in their states.

“You can’t set up ranches in a state if the governors don’t want it. In order to do this, we must go back and look at the law. If we don’t deal with the law, even if you agree with the owners of the land or settlers, if the state governments don’t give their consent, you can’t go ahead. We must look at the Land Use Act before we proceed with this bill.

“Former governor of Kano State, Abdullahi Ganduje, once said that he had enough land for all herders to come and graze but some are using these herders to destabilise the country,” he said.

The Minority Leader, Abba Moro, said the bill was in order and advised that it should be subjected to a comprehensive public hearing.”

Kogi West Senator, Sunday Karimi, said the bill should be passed as it would put an end to the killings all over the country as a result of persistent farmers and herders’ crises.

In his earlier debate, Zam said the bill would be an antidote for the perennial violent clashes between sedentary farmers and nomadic herders in Nigeria.

“This is the time to adopt international best practices in animal husbandry. My distinguished colleagues, now is the time to bring about a law to stop open grazing. It is old fashioned, hazardous, burdensome, and must be discarded.

“The absence of a regulatory framework or legislation on pastoralism and livestock mobility generally has created a chaotic scenario of survival of the fittest between sedentary farmers and nomadic herders in Nigeria. My dear colleagues, this is not acceptable in the 21st century civilised world.”

Akpabio allayed sentiments raised by the opposing senators, stressing that the bill would still be subjected to public hearing before its final passage and assent in which he said all issues raised would be addressed.

“If we need to tinker with the Land Use Act to create a clause for access to ranching, we must consider that many state governors don’t have money to go into ranching,” he said.
Akpabio asked Zam if he intended to step down the Bill and he replied in the negative. When Akpabio put the question to the senators, they chorused, “Aye” in favour.

The bill was subsequently referred to the Senate Committee on Agriculture, Judiciary and Legal Matters, Trade and Investment to report back in the next one month.

Source: The Sun NG

Published by:
Chibuike Nebeokike
For: Radio Biafra Media

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