May 27 2020 | Radio Biafra
Proactively speaking, we must as a matter of urgency eschew political correctness and call a spade by its name. We must put on our thinking cap to be able to analyse this influx of able-bodied young men into our territory at this particular point in time when the federal government-imposed lockdown and restricted movement from one state to the other.
In order to constructively engage some arguments rising from various quarters in the country, some of which try to draw strength from right of movement, one must ask “why must it be at this critical moment when movement from place to place is banned?” The very fact that this migration usually takes place in the midnight should be another big concern to any right-thinking human, especially those from the eastern enclave of the country.
Some factors influence massive migration. Such factors include job availability, infrastructure, human capital development, and war in the migrants’ home. But there are no jobs in the eastern states, no infrastructure, no human capital development, and of course, no war in the North from which the migrants troop in. Even the insurgency over there is a politico-religious creation aimed at conquering the rest of the nations roped in this failed British experiment mistaken for a country.
More worrisome is the fact that this massive migration of young Jihadists is happening almost immediately Boko Haram is dislodged in neighbouring Chad, Niger, and the Cameroon. It seems to me therefore that a grand plan is underway to invade the East and we should as a matter of urgency rise against it. A stitch in time, they say, saves nine.
To this end, every community leader and president general of various organizational bodies in our land must set up a Neighbourhood Watch, and in places where it already exists, beef it up. Intelligence units are also advisable, for as an Igbo adage has it, ‘onye ndi iro gbara gburugburu n’eche ndu ya nche mgbe nile’; that is, he that is surrounded by the enemies keeps watch over his life at all time.
Source: The Biafra Times
Published by:
Chibuike John Nebeokike
For: Radio Biafra Media